Jumat, 13 Juli 2012


There are sixteen things (principles) which are considered very important in the path of Allah/Dakwah:

1. Four things to do more:
    a. Dakwah illalloh
    b. Ta'lim
    c. Dzikir ibadat
    d. Khitmat

2. Four things to do less:
    a. Less eating (time)
    b. Less sleeping (time)
    c. Less talking
    d. Less wasting time

3. Four things not to do at all:
    a. Begging by tongue to creature
    b. Begging by heart to creature
    c. Extra expenditure
    d. Use of other's things without permission

4. Four things imposibble touched:
    a. Defference off aqidah
    b. Politic
    c. Mujadalah
    d. Mistake of society

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