Selasa, 10 Juli 2012


1. It is said that if the pious woman send her husband in the path of Allah and bounds herself at home, practising compleet islam, she will enter into jannah 500 year before her husband. She will be queen of 70.000 angels in jannah. She will wellcome her husband in jannah ridding a horse of  Yaqoot.

2. In jannah, men  go for ziarah of Allah Swat, but Allah Swt will come Himself to those women. Who have spent their lives in full taqwa and purdah/hijab.

3. A pious woman a better than 70 man

4. A woman who is regular in her salat and fast, she prevents herself from corruption, and obey her husband she will have choise to enter throuhg any door of jannah.

5. The woman who sweeps her house by  making dzikir, Allah Swt give her reward equal to the reward of sweeping in baitullah.

6. When husband comes from journey his wife enterlains him and also she did not do any corruption, she will get reward equal to the reward of 12 years nafal salat.

7. If a husband comes home with worries, his wife wellcome and console him, Allah Swt gives her reward of half jihad.


Now a day, muslem lady can also sacrifice and
  can do the work of dakwah and tabligh very easily. They can be helpfull for their man in spreading islam.
Alhamdulillah hundred and thousand of the ladies have  spent time in dakwah wa tableegh, and change their lives to wards islam. They are doing the work of dakwah very well.

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